how to lose lower back fat

how to lose lower back fat

A lot of people divide their back into the lower back and the upper back. Most people that have this problem want to lose lower back fat .

So what’s lower back fat?

How to lose lower  back fat it’s a common name for  this type of fat is the love handles and it seems to be the hardest place to lose fat. 

All we know that that losing weight or burn fat from the body it’s so important.  But lose lower back fat its horrible.

You need a a healthy back for a stand-tall walk, for satisfying  your marriage needs, to be happy .

Why the lower back fat is difficult?

How to lose lower back fat it’s difficult, because it's very hard  to spot reduce fat from a particular body part, targeted strength exercises can do little do reduce your lower back fat.,but  They can also make you more limber and alleviate back pain. 

How to Lose Lower Back Fat ?

1.    Use the the back extension:

 its so easy , . You simply start off lying face down on the floor with both your hands at the side.

2.      Straight Arms & Legs Lift:

Simply lie face down on an exercise mat and outstretch your hands in a V shape over your head. At the same time both legs should be stretched out in a slight V shape.

3.    Diagonal arm and leg lift:

Start this exercise as you did the second method above. Then simply raise one leg and the opposite diagonal arm off the floor. Hold this position for as long as you can and simply lower yourself gently back onto the mat. Then simply do the opposite leg and arm.

4.    Stability ball back extension :

Simply raise your upper body up without moving your feet at all until your back is completely straight. However, make sure your back remains straight and never arches. Then gently return to the curled position.

There's no quick fix for the back fat that has taken years to accumulate. It takes hard work and dedication, but only a little bit of work before you start to see results, and actually enjoythe work.

Weightloss surgeries

Weightloss surgeries have been around for years. The first procedure was stomach stapling and evolved and progressed from there as more scientific and medically safer procedures became available.
Stomach stapling and gastric bypass surgery is still available in most countries and is in fact preferred by some bariatric surgeons. There are several more serious problems that can and do arise from these procedures that rarely happen with laparoscopic lap banding. Stomach stapling or gastric bypass surgery is not something that I personally would ever think about or have done..

WHY obesity is considered as most dangerous disease?

Severe obesity is a chronic condition that is very difficult to treat. problems associated with being over obese are diabetes, heart disease,mental stress and other serious conditions like menstrual problem in women. But nowadays there are many Weightloss surgeries to keep u healthy and get rid of being over obesity. Weightloss surgeries is usually performed for the people who are having  BMI ration 35 and above and in some cases for the people who are suffering from heavy diabetes and heart diseases. Solet’s see about types of Weightloss surgeries that can be performed for obese people.

The Different types of Weightloss surgeries:

Gastric Bypass: It is a popular weight loss surgery which is alternatively known as Roux-en-Y (RNY) gastric bypass surgery. The surgery calls for the reduction of the stomach size and the length of the small intestine. During the surgery, a bariatrician attaches a Y-shaped section of the small intestine directly to the newly formed smaller upper pouch, which allows food to bypass rest of the stomach and a large portion of the small intestine. That helps in limiting the absorption of calories and nutrients, thus allowing the patients to feel fuller sooner.
Gastric Plication: It is a laparoscopic procedure that reduces the size of the stomach without removing sections of the stomach or re-routing intestine or implanting devices. During the laparoscopic gastric plication, a surgeon reduces the stomach volume by folding the stomach inwardly.

The Benefits of WeightLoss surgeries:

Weightloss surgeries is one of the most effective ways to lose weight,
There are five famous fat loss surgery programs available today: the gastric bypass, gastric binding, sleeve gastrectomy, bariatic surgery, and laparoscopic gastric bypass.

v  gastric bypass: includes rearranging your gastrointestinal anatomy .

v  Gastric binding, on the other hand, does not involve rearrangement but the surgery implants a silicone device on the upper portion of your stomach.

v  leeve gastrectomy also do not involve rearrangement but it consists of removing a portion of your stomach in order to create a narrow tube or sleeve.

Finally, When it is time for you to decide how to lose weight quickly with an expensive surgery, make sure that you do all of your homework. Take in mind your age, your diet and your bank account. Also consider their mortality rates. Is there a smarter alternative available for you to quickly and safely lose considerable weight? I think there is.

 Weightloss surgeries
 Weightloss surgeries